Every Tuesday
FREE entry
This week’s jackpot stands at $8,000
One draw held at 7pm | 8pm | 9pm every Tuesday
Must be present only at Club Merrylands Bowling
Members only promotion | Free entry | Authorised under NSW Permit Number TP/03790
Every Tuesday
In addition to the Members Cash Draw, $1,000 cash will be drawn between 7pm – 9.30pm
FREE entry from 4pm plus additional entry for each $10 you spend at the Glasshouse Bar or Coffee Shop
Terms and conditions apply | Members only promotion | One additional ticket awarded for $10 accumulative spend
Every Thursday
Drawn from 8pm
FREE entry from 4pm plus an additional entry for every $20 you spend on raffle tickets at the Thursday Voucher Raffle
Terms and conditions apply | Members only promotion | One additional ticket awarded for every $20 spent on raffle tickets